Keysight Technologies is a leading technology company that helps enterprises, service providers and governments accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Keysight's solutions optimize networks and bring electronic products to market faster and at a lower cost with offerings from design simulation, to prototype validation, to manufacturing test, to optimization in networks and cloud environments. Customers span the worldwide communications ecosystem, aerospace and defense, automotive, energy, semiconductor, and general electronics end markets.


Enhance AI/MI presilicon traffic to use network sockets to enable further hardware scale up
Stagiu plătit la Keysight Technologies Romania · 23/06/2025
  • room București
Aptitudini necesare:

linux git c kernel sockets

In our current presilicon testing product for AI/ML (testing before manufacturing chips), we are leveraging in-memory communication of traffic between VMs using virtio protocol over unix sockets. This has its benefits of being blazingly fast, but it also has constrained of everything needing to be on the same physical server.

We would like to rearchitecture the communication to use network sockets and be able to decentralize the virtual machines to be able to live on different physical servers. This would allow higher resources provisioning per VM and in the end, better scaling for customers.

It is a great opportunity to get familiarized with Linux virtualization, userspace/kernelspace programming, socket programming. It touches some of our core components that use virtual machines to connect to the hardware emulators to emulate AI/ML (ROCEv2) traffic.

What you will gain:

  • Learn about virtio, vhost protocol, socket programming, dpdk, C programming and efficient network communication that enables AI/ML testing in the presilicon market.